Kari Gray - Social Emotional Learning Specialist

Kari GrayKari Gray
Social Emotional Learning Specialist

(303) 982-1514
[email protected]

Kari is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and the Social Emotional Learning Specialist (SEL) at Manning. While she wears many hats, her primary focus in the SEL role is to support Manning’s healthy climate and culture.

Prior to doing SEL work in Jeffco she graduated from the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver with a Masters in Social Work (MSW), school social work certificate, and a focus on family systems. Additionally, she received her Master’s in Education and taught in Chicago Public Schools; through work in residential settings and schools, she has been involved with people across the lifespan. Middle school is a great match for her passions, education, work history, and quirky personality.

When not at Manning, Kari enjoys bouldering, skiing, hiking, making art, spending time with her dog, friends and family. If you talk with her long enough, eventually she’ll recommend a podcast or 12.

You can follow her on Instagram @sel_by_gray
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